Our work focuses on our customers’ individual needs, wishes and expectations. We spot new topics and trends at an early stage. We work with industry experts, colleagues on site and with cooperation partners to systematically identify and work on market potential and customer benefits. We are dedicated to maintaining dialog and building customer relationships, thus ensuring Drees & Sommer’s long-term market leadership.

Areas of application

Strategic Acquisition (SAQ) is part of our marketing operations at Drees & Sommer. You coordinate marketing across sectors and support colleagues from the sector teams, regional offices and divisions in their acquisition activities. You conduct regular trend research in collaboration with colleagues from Corporate Research. This identifies new sectors, services and strategic areas of development. In this way you contribute to ensuring Drees & Sommer's long-term market leadership.

As a sector head, you are responsible for your market segment’s operations and development. You manage strategic and operational marketing operations in your sector and coordinate these with Dreso regional offices and divisions. When it comes to operational market development, you take the lead role for your market segment in collaboration with Business Development (BD). You also manage the account managers and key account managers in your sector.

As an Account Manager (AM) or Key Account Manager (KAM), you are responsible for relationships with relevant customers. Above a certain volume, a customer becomes so important to Drees & Sommer that we use the term key account. As an AM or KAM, you manage strategic and operational customer service in your sector and coordinate these activities with Dreso regional offices and divisions. As a KAM, you also manage the account managers, who work together in different divisions and regional offices for a key account.

Business Development supports market development undertaken by business units and regional offices both nationally and internationally. Depending on your area of responsibility, you take on business development tasks for a sector, a regional office, or at international level, networking closely with regional offices, divisions and sectors. Your role involves organizing operational market development, identifying relevant customers and accompanying them from the first contact through to handover to an account manager.

neext is one of our non-project-related customer support programs. The neext initiative uses thematic networks to open up new perspectives for Drees & Sommer in the three divisions Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Industry. It acts as a market platform through which we can reach strategic partners, existing customers and target customers, and ensure their long-term retention. Your role at neext is to continuously expand the Drees & Sommer customer network. This requires close cooperation with the Drees & Sommer sectors and regional offices.

Your development as a sales manager

You can follow the development path within the Sales Management job family. This provides orientation, creates transparency, and ensures systematic yet personalized development. Whether you are aiming for management responsibility or would prefer to deepen your expertise in a specific field – at Dreso you can shape a career that suits your strengths and preferences. 

Job perspectives in sales management

Listening, understanding and looking for the best possible solution for the customer. That is the core of sales management. In the video, our colleagues explain exactly what this means and why they put their heart and soul into it.

I lead the China desk team at Drees & Sommer. My team’s job is to win Chinese investors who come to Europe for Drees & Sommer. In my years at Drees & Sommer, I have witnessed how new structures, new topics and new services have emerged and developed. It is in the company’s DNA to always be guided by what is happening in the market and what customers need both today and in the future. 

Di Miao-Weichtmann Associate Partner

The main difference to other companies lies in our innovative strength – and in the fact that we develop solutions that are future-safe by design. It’s an approach that is deeply rooted in the company. And you can tell that it driven from above – I feel this both in the service areas and in the regional offices.

Henrik Töpelt Associate Partner

Our projects

Everything we have already achieved together: Discover our projects - from underground railway lines to hospitals, factories and mixed neighbourhoods to skyscrapers.



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Entry-level opportunities

Are you looking for an exciting new professional challenge or for your first full-time job after school or tertiary education? Or are you an experienced professional looking for your next career move? Drees & Sommer offers numerous entry opportunities in a wide range of specialist areas.

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