If you still have questions about working at Drees & Sommer, please take a look at our FAQs.
Yes, as long as your topic is of relevance to Drees & Sommer. If you are interested, please send us an unsolicited application and tell us the topic or subject area you would like to cover in your work. Please also specify the timeframe in which you would like to write your dissertation. We will then check whether your proposal can be implemented and whether we have a suitable expert available to support you.
To allow us time to review your application properly, we recommend that you apply about three months before the desired start date. Please also indicate your preferred Drees & Sommer regional office and timeframe.
To ensure that you get to know a wide range of topics in depth during your internship, we recommend that you plan for at least three months. A longer period is even better, as it allows you to cover topics in greater detail.
Yes, we also offer jobs for working students. Ideally, you will have already completed an internship with us and are familiar with our company, services, company structure, and tasks.
Yes, you can also complete internships at larger Drees & Sommer regional offices abroad. We publish details of these internships on our job portal.
Yes, both voluntary and mandatory internships are paid. We will provide detailed information about this during your interview.
No, but the entire internship must be completed within 12 months following the end of your last university enrolment.
- A tabular curriculum vitae with your contact details with telephone number and e-mail address
- A current certificate of enrolment.
- Relevant certificates, for example a current overview of your school, bachelor’s and/or master’s grades
- An indication of your desired start date and number of hours
- Certificates from internships and job references, where applicable
- For compulsory internships:
- Compulsory internship certificate
- Current certificate of enrolment
Your question has not been answered in our FAQs? Then take a look at our general FAQs.
Otherwise, please give us a call!
Phone: +35 226 120 556 09